Do you long for soft, light, stretchy, gluten-free bread straight from your home breadmaking machine?

Welcome to Lansell Cottage A-maizing Gluten Free Bread mixes.

image of bread
  • soft, light & stretchy
  • for all bread machine types
  • high fibre, low fat
  • freezes well
  • dairy and non-dairy blends
  • keeps well using the "warm to reform method"
The secret of a good gluten free bread mix is the delicate balance of a carefully blended and controlled selection of ingredients.

Together these need to mimic gluten... that group of "stretchy proteins" used to form the spongy cellular structure typical of wheat based breads.

A true bread also needs to be yeast based which gives it a "bready flavour and feel" different to cakes.

Many gluten-free breads and mixes thus fail in delivering one or both of these.

After hundreds of trial loaves, and six years in the market making gradual improvements, we have produced a mix that numerous coeliacs Australia wide are enjoying.

We have also discovered via users of the product that our bread mixes are excellent for numerous other gluten free home baked goodies. Our bread mixes make wonderful pasta, pastry, sponge cakes and pancakes. This makes it even more versatile than we ever imagined and we are in the process of setting up this Web Site so you can add to these for other coeliacs to enjoy.

We trust that you will find the following information helpful in the mean time and return regularly to this site for updates and the addition of new recipes and information.
